UPDATE 12/7/2023: I've made a new commissions sheet, but due to the site's policy on frontpaging news posts every 2 weeks, I'll post the update sometime in a few days.
It's been quite a while since I've made a proper post. I've been currently trying to revamp my socmed presence for a more professional approach, since I don't think I'll ever get a "proper" part-time job in the real world for a while.
Here are some notable changes:
- Removed my 2021 pieces and other older works due to my own personal issues, as well as no longer wanting to associate myself with certain communities.
- Speaking of, I've also removed my BYF/DNI from my Carrd so it can appear slightly more professional. I now block randomly.
- Changed my handles on sites containing the username 'n1hiri' to 'toribytez'. I'm slowly distancing myself from the 'Nihi'/'Nihiri' name due to negative associations.